Terms and Conditions

    Terms of Use and Conditions Agreement
    This user agreement and privacy policy, along with the terms and conditions, and all policies published on the JOBSINSAUDI platform, are established to protect and preserve the rights of both the JOBSINSAUDI platform, represented by the owning company (Tzamon Business Services Company), and the platform operators, subscribers, and users or clients accessing the site, whether registered or not.

    Notice: To conclude an employment contract agreement, the two parties must complete it through the official offices and authorities in both countries.

    The terms and conditions, as well as legal disputes, are subject to the laws, regulations, and legislation in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    As a user of the JOBSINSAUDI platform, you agree to comply with all the terms outlined in this agreement as soon as you use the platform, access it, or register for the service. The JOBSINSAUDI platform has the right to modify this agreement at any time, and it will be binding on all parties after the update is announced on the website or through any other means.

    Article One: Definition
    1. The JOBSINSAUDI platform is an online platform that allows individual users to showcase their experiences, skills, or professions for the purpose of obtaining employment with individuals, companies, or institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its headquarters is in Riyadh, and it is referred to in this agreement as Tzamon Business Services Company (the entity that owns the JOBSINSAUDI platform) or JOBSINSAUDI or we or us or the site or the platform or the first party.
    2. The user: It is an individual, recruitment office, company, or related institution, and it is the creator of the account on the JOBSINSAUDI platform or a visitor, for the purpose of communication, browsing, publishing content, or creating an electronic profile on the JOBSINSAUDI platform. In this agreement, it is referred to as the member, user, client, practitioner, service provider, or the second party.

    Article Two: Terms of Use
    As the second party in this agreement and as a beneficiary of the JOBSINSAUDI platform services, you must adhere to the following:
    1. Not to announce or upload content or items that are inappropriate for the available classifications on the platform and allowed for display, and to review the prohibited advertising conditions before advertising.
    2. No breach or circumvention of the platform's laws, policies, and regulations, or any rights related to a third party.
    3. Do not copy the advertisement from the JOBSINSAUDI platform and repost it on other sites.
    4. Do not use any illegal means to access advertisements or the user data of others, or to violate the policies and rights of the JOBSINSAUDI site, or to access the platform's content, or to collect and gather information and data related to the JOBSINSAUDI platform or its clients and benefit from it in any way or republish it.
    5. Do not use our services if you are not legally qualified to enter into this agreement.
    6. Do not manipulate offers and information or harm other users.
    7. The advertisement must not include any offer, statement, or false claim, or be phrased in a way that could directly or indirectly deceive or mislead the user, or involve slander or defamation.
    8. Not to engage with policies, international sovereignties, or recognized figures, or any unlawful discussions.
    9. Not violating the intellectual property rights of the JOBSINSAUDI website, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, publicity rights, databases, or other intellectual property rights.
    10. The advertisement must not include a logo or trademark that you do not have the right to use, or a counterfeit mark, and must not violate the intellectual property rights of others or patents.
    11. Not announcing jobs, professions, or labor is in violation of the regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
    12. Not violating human rights systems and trafficking in persons in any form, and adhering to the regulations for advertising labor services.
    13. It is essential to adhere to the regulations and licenses issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, as well as all relevant ministries and government bodies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with the regulations and licenses issued by the official authorities in the country you belong to or from which you are accessing the platform.
    14. Not collecting or using the personal data of website users or their electronic communications for unauthorized or impermissible purposes, or disclosing it to another party, whether for compensation or not, except with the consent of the individual to whom the personal data pertains or as required by regulations.
    15. Not taking any action that could harm the reputation of the JOBSINSAUDI site in any way, whether on the platform itself or on other social media platforms. The platform, represented by Tzamon Business Services, reserves the right to hold you accountable for any damages resulting from such actions.
    16. Do not impersonate the JOBSINSAUDI site or any of its representatives or employees, or any title that suggests you are affiliated with the platform unless you have official permission from the owning company (Tzamon Business Services).
    17. The use of this service is prohibited for any non-human users, except for non-human users affiliated with the following companies only:
    • Google
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    Your failure to comply with these terms grants JOBSINSAUDI the right to suspend your membership and refer your violation to the relevant authorities for penalties if necessary, as well as to prevent you from accessing the platform and adding your phone number to the list of suspended accounts and numbers without any liability and without the need to notify you. You have no right to object, and you hereby commit not to return to using the platform unless the platform approves it with an official letter.

    Article Three: Responsibility
    1. The JOBSINSAUDI website offers a service that enables users (whether individuals or licensed companies specializing in providing human resources) to showcase their experience, profession, and/or the workforce they provide, and to publish content in accordance with the agreed-upon usage policy. It does not provide any guarantees and does not bear any responsibility in the event that any party fails to comply with it.
    2. The JOBSINSAUDI platform disclaims any responsibility for any risks, damages, consequences, or losses incurred by all parties involved. Those who have suffered damage are advised to visit the "Contact Us" link and explain the harm they have experienced. The JOBSINSAUDI website or the owning company will take action based on the nature of the incident without any liability whatsoever.
    3. By using the JOBSINSAUDI platform, you acknowledge that you bear full responsibility for ensuring compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and systems (in effect in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, your home country, and the country from which you access our platform) when using the platform. You bear full responsibility for resolving any problems and disputes arising from the advertisement content. You also commit to the content regulations and conditions outlined by the JOBSINSAUDI platform and solely bear the consequences and damages of the content, releasing the JOBSINSAUDI platform from any claims resulting from or related to your transactions or arising from them.
    4. By using the JOBSINSAUDI platform, you authorize the platform to store the personal and non-personal data and information you have entered on the platform's servers, represented by Tzamon Business Services, and we have the right to access and review it.
    5. By using the JOBSINSAUDI platform, you acknowledge the platform's right to monitor private messages when necessary to ensure compliance with the terms of use, and we reserve the right to delete advertisements and take action regarding attached images when needed.
    6. The directives, decisions, and instructions from the management and site supervisors are binding on the second party after being communicated to them via private messages on the site, mobile phone, email, or through the notification system. They are required to adhere to and act in accordance with them.
    7. By using the platform, you acknowledge the right of JOBSINSAUDI to hold you accountable in the event of your violation of the regulations and laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the policies and laws of JOBSINSAUDI. JOBSINSAUDI reserves the right to seek compensation from you for all damages and losses and to charge you for legal fees in all matters and cases related to your violation, and you agree to indemnify them for this.

    Article Four: Membership Conditions
    Membership is: the username that a person registered with on the JOBSINSAUDI platform, which is linked to their mobile number or email address, and must comply with the following conditions:
    1. It is necessary to choose a suitable and appropriate name during the registration process.
    2. Creating more than one account for the same user on the platform is prohibited.
    3. The use of more than one account on the platform is prohibited for each individual or entity.
    4. You should update your mobile number and/or email address associated with your membership in case your mobile number changes or is lost.
    5. If your membership name includes a business name or trademark, you must be the owner of the trademark or authorized to use the name or trademark.
    6. The sale or transfer of membership to another party is prohibited, and no other party is allowed to use it. The original member is considered responsible for any violations or legal liabilities, and both parties involved in the sale or transfer are deemed to be in violation of the usage policy on the JOBSINSAUDI platform.
    7. The member is committed to not sharing their personal membership information with anyone.
    8. The "JOBSINSAUDI" platform is committed to implementing the necessary standards for data protection and preservation, noting that the internet is not a 100% secure means of storing confidential information.
    9. The service exchanges some information with your device for the purpose of providing you with the service.
    10. The platform uses statistical programs like Google Analytics (or any means we find suitable) for the purpose of developing and improving the service.
    11. By using the JOBSINSAUDI platform, you acknowledge the platform's right to suspend your number or account and include it in the list of suspended accounts in the event that a report or complaint is filed against you, or if you commit an offense that the platform's management deems worthy of suspension. You, as a user, commit not to publish these incidents and events on electronic platforms, social media, or elsewhere. We reserve the right, if this is proven, to approach the relevant authorities to impose penalties and fines and to require you to compensate for all damages and losses resulting from this.

    Article Five: Conditions for Adding Content to the Platform
    1. You pledge not to disclose any prohibited professions or illegal labor on the platform.
    2. You pledge not to add any prohibited responses on the platform.
    3. You pledge not to send any prohibited messages on the platform.
    4. You promise to follow up on your advertisement and respond to customer inquiries through replies or private messages.
    5. You allow users to communicate with you via phone number, WhatsApp, your email, or any other means you provided on our platform.
    6. You commit to adhering to the policy on repeated advertisements.
    7. The advertised material must be related to the platform's field (for individuals: showcasing your skills and profession to find a suitable job), and for companies, recruitment service institutions, and related offices: presenting the available workforce they have or can provide.
    8. As for individuals: individuals do not have the right to announce about other individuals.
    9. Companies, institutions, recruitment offices, or official entities participating in the platform commit to adhering to the regulations regarding the advertisement of labor, including (but not limited to) ensuring that the advertisement does not contain any terms or phrases that could undermine the dignity of foreign workers, domestic workers, and those in similar situations. For example, phrases such as "for sale," "for purchase," or "for transfer" should be replaced with "service transfer," and the terms "servant" or "maid" should be replaced with "worker." The advertisement should also not include the publication of personal photos, identity cards, residency permits, or any other personal data of foreign workers, domestic workers, or those in similar situations, and it should not impose any financial costs on the worker for the transfer of service under any circumstances.
    10. The advertisement must be complete with all details and in the correct section.
    11. The platform has the right to delete any content or advertisement without stating the reason for the deletion.
    12. Copying any advertisement from the platform is prohibited.
    13. It is necessary to obtain the required licenses for advertising if you are providing a service or practicing a profession that is subject to specific regulations and requires a license or permit to operate. You must disclose the entity with which you are registered, the details of the license or permit, the applicable professional title, and the country that issued the license or permit.
    14. The advertiser commits to ensuring that the added images are accurate.
    15. The content images must be morally appropriate, of high quality, and must not violate the regulations of the Ministry of Labor, human rights, or any governmental or private entity.
    16. It is necessary to adhere to the prohibition on advertising employment or services that fall under the list of prohibited employment and services. It is also necessary to adhere to the list of prohibited responses and prohibited messages.
    17. The update and modification of the advertisement are subject to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, and the user is considered responsible for any violations that occurred during the creation of the advertisement or after the update or modification.
    18. The creation, updating, and modification are the sole responsibility of the user.
    19. The advertiser, whether an individual or entity, is committed to updating the advertisement at specific intervals determined and updated by the platform. In the event of failure to update, the advertisement will be automatically blocked or deleted.
    20. The advertising commission varies from one country to another.
    21. The platform offers free promotions to showcase your skills as an individual or your services as a company, institution, or recruitment office (or any officially authorized entity in these activities) for advertising or offers, and for a limited time.
    22. After the free period provided by the platform ends, a commission will be required to add or extend an advertisement or offer that was specific to an individual or entity. If the commission is not paid, the offer or advertisement will be blocked.

    Article Six: Regulations for Announcing the Provision of Labor Services:
    1. To announce the provision of labor services, the recruitment office or related companies and institutions must be licensed to engage in this activity.
    2. The sponsor of a worker or employee does not have the right to announce the transfer of services or to make an offer for the labor or professionals under their sponsorship; rather, the offer must be submitted on the JOBSINSAUDI platform by the worker or employee themselves.
    3. The advertisement should not include words or phrases that could undermine the dignity of migrant workers and domestic workers, including but not limited to expressions such as "for sale," "for purchase," or "for transfer," which should be replaced with the phrase "service transfer."
    4. The advertisement should not include the terms servant or maid, or housekeeper, and should be replaced with the terms worker or employee.
    5. The advertisement should not include the publication of personal photos, identity cards, residency permits, passports, or any other personal data of expatriate workers and domestic workers and those in similar situations.
    6. The advertisement should not include any reference to the service provider, the advertiser, or anyone in a similar position receiving any financial amounts for the transfer of services under any circumstances.
    7. The worker's consent must be obtained before transferring their services.

    Article Seven: Prohibited Offers and Advertisements
    The JOBSINSAUDI platform is not for businesses represented in buying and selling, but rather it specializes in human resources advertising services, including labor and providing individuals the opportunity to present their experiences and professions to secure employment. The advertiser who promotes anything outside the scope of the JOBSINSAUDI platform will be banned. It was a direct announcement or through messages or replies. Where any advertisement outside the platform is prohibited, and we will ban anyone who responds to it via private messages or replies. We would like to point out that there is no warning before the ban and that the ban is final with no discussion.

    Here are examples of prohibited advertisements on the platform:
    1. All advertisements that are not related to the platform's activities or violate its terms.
    2. Announcement for the purpose of adding a suggestion or discussing an issue with the management of the JOBSINSAUDI platform.
    3. Adding advertisements about suggestions for platform development. For suggestions or complaints, please contact the platform team through "Contact Us."
    4. The advertisement is lacking details.
    5. Low-quality advertisement.
    6. The advertiser's weak communication with the members interested in the offer.
    7. Adding an advertisement or offer while you have another membership that is banned. Where it is necessary to discuss the ban with us first before adding any new advertisement.
    8. Any advertisement or offer that contains a reference to a racist matter in any form.
    9. Any advertisement or offer that contains incorrect information, whether the error is intentional or unintentional.
    10. Adding an advertisement or offer for the purpose of defamation. If you have a complaint against one of our advertisers, please contact us and clarify the issue. If you have a problem with an unrelated party, we kindly ask you to file a complaint with the responsible authority.
    11. Adding an offer or advertisement that does not match the title.
    12. Copying an advertisement from another advertiser or part of it.
    13. Public advertisements that display multiple ads, offers, or any additional services.
    14. Donation advertisements and requests for assistance. The state system prohibits donations and charitable work outside the legally defined framework for that purpose.
    15. Advertisements for contributions and subscriptions.
    16. Begging and helping beggars. The member who assists beggars on the platform will be banned.
    17. The request for favors and assistance, whether they are legitimate or illegitimate.
    18. Advertisements that exploit power.
    19. Advertising in the responses.
    20. Advertisements that contain words, content, or images that are indecent or do not violate our Islamic religious teachings, or the Arab community in general, and specifically Saudi culture, or public decency.
    21. Advertisements that contain contact numbers or email addresses are excluded from the contact information provided by the user in the registration and advertisement details.

    Article Eight: Prohibited Responses
    The following list contains most of the prohibited responses:
    1. Advertising in the responses.
    2. Insulting and cursing, whether there is a justification or not.
    3. Lack of seriousness and unwillingness to engage.
    4. The comment is for adding a joke or news.
    5. Mocking the offer or advertisement.
    6. Any response classified under the above Article Seven.

    Article Nine: Prohibited Private Messages
    The following list contains most of the prohibited private messages:
    1. Advertising in private messages.
    2. Insulting and cursing, whether justified or not.

    Article Ten: Subscription System
    The JOBSINSAUDI platform offers an annual subscription system for certain services. If you subscribe to a system, you must adhere to the subscription terms, which vary depending on the type and nature of the subscription. You should generally adhere to the following:

    For companies, institutions, and recruitment offices:
    1. You should read the subscription terms before paying the fees and ensure that the subscription aligns with the nature of your activity.
    2. The subscription fee must be paid before benefiting from the service.
    3. JOBSINSAUDI has the right to suspend your account or limit its features if it is found that you are not complying with the platform's regulations or usage policy.
    4. If you wish to request a refund for the subscription fee, you must submit your refund request within 3 days from the date of payment.
    5. The platform is not obligated to refund the subscription fees if the refund request is made more than 3 days after the payment date or if the account was suspended due to a violation of the usage policy.

    For individuals:
    1. You must agree to the terms and conditions of the platform before paying the fees.
    2. The subscription fee must be paid before benefiting from the service.
    3. JOBSINSAUDI has the right to suspend your account or limit its features if it is found that you are not complying with the platform's regulations or usage policy.
    4. Subscription fees or individual advertisement fees are non-refundable.

    Article Eleven: Payment and Transaction Mechanism
    For individuals: Payment is made through the electronic payment platforms approved in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as the official platforms of each country that are approved by the JOBSINSAUDI platform, represented by Tzamen Business Services Company.
    For companies and recruitment offices: Payment can be made through the approved electronic payment platforms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or by a certified check made out to Tzamon Business Services Company, or by a money transfer to the account of Tzamon Business Services Company.

    Your failure to comply with the above instructions may expose you to fraud, and by agreeing to this contract, you acknowledge that you bear the responsibility. The JOBSINSAUDI website, represented by Tzamon Business Services, is not a party to the transaction and bears no responsibility. As a user, you are obligated to file a report or complaint on the JOBSINSAUDI platform to address the fraudulent party. As a user, you are committed to filing a complaint with the relevant authority through the proper channels in the event of any damage. And you pledge not to publish these facts and events through electronic platforms or social media or elsewhere.

    Article Twelve: The Security Policy of the JOBSINSAUDI Website
    The JOBSINSAUDI platform, represented by Tzamon Business Services, is committed to the terms of use and privacy policy. We are not a party to any disputes or legal issues that arise between users due to one or both of them violating the terms of use. However, we strive to enhance the security aspect of the platform to limit and eliminate violations committed by some users that contravene the policies and terms of use. This is to ensure the integrity of offers and advertisements and to combat fraud and deception, in accordance with the laws, regulations, and guidelines followed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, JOBSINSAUDI, represented by Tzamon Business Services, has the right to take necessary action against any individual or legal entity that violates these terms, noting that such action may include legal prosecution before the relevant authorities. Here we present the common violations and the necessary actions to address them:

    1. The client was a victim of fraud by another party: the client must report to the relevant security authorities. And filling out the complaint form for that on the JOBSINSAUDI platform on the "Contact Us" page. The platform management will review the complaint and investigate the accused client in order to take the necessary action against them. The JOBSINSAUDI platform will not be a party to such issues and we do not bear any responsibility, but we will provide what we have to the relevant authorities if requested officially.
    2. Violation of the state's policy or sovereignty: The advertisement will be removed, the advertiser's membership will be suspended, and the relevant authorities will be notified.
    3. In the event that an advertisement or offer directly or indirectly affects human dignity, the advertisement will be documented and archived, removed, the member will be suspended, and the relevant authorities will be notified.
    4. In the event that the advertisement or offer was made by an individual (or individuals) who are sponsors (or guarantors) for workers under their sponsorship, the advertisement will be blocked, and JOBSINSAUDI, represented by Tzamon Business Services, has the right to report to the relevant authorities.
    5. If the advertisement contains terms such as (waiver, sale, purchase) or similar words or references that directly or indirectly affect human dignity, the advertisement will be blocked, and JOBSINSAUDI, represented by Tzamon Business Services, has the right to report to the relevant authorities.
    6. In the event that an individual, institution, or company engages in illegal methods (such as hacking or using unauthorized data collection means or any other means) with the aim of accessing the platform's content, programming, database, or information and data related to JOBSINSAUDI clients in order to copy advertisements and republish them or benefit from them in any way. The JOBSINSAUDI website, represented by Tzamon Business Services, has the right to file a complaint with the relevant authorities to sue the other party on charges of electronic hacking and committing a crime in violation of information crime regulations.
    7. In the event that an individual or legal entity copies advertisements from the JOBSINSAUDI website to another site, JOBSINSAUDI, represented by Tzamon Business Services, will approach the relevant authorities to file a lawsuit and pursue the other party for infringing on the platform's or the company's rights.
    8. Infringement of intellectual property rights and third-party patents: If you believe that your rights have been infringed, you should fill out the infringement complaint form and provide evidence of the infringement in the published advertisement. The JOBSINSAUDI website, represented by Tzamon Business Services, will review and study the complaint to verify its validity and will take the necessary action. You should also approach the relevant authorities if you wish to sue the party that infringed upon your rights. It is known that the JOBSINSAUDI website, represented by Tzamon Business Services, will not be a party to the case and is not responsible for it, nor do we bear any liability.
    9. In the event that the second party falsely evaluates another member, both members will be suspended and prohibited from using the platform if it is proven that they collaborated. Necessary measures will be taken for any consequences that occurred due to this assessment.
    10. In the event of defamation, slander, or violation of privacy: the client must fill out the specific complaint form, and the platform's management will review the complaint and investigate the accused client. Necessary action will be taken against them if it is confirmed that they violated the terms of use. The client who has suffered damage should approach the relevant authorities to file a complaint. The JOBSINSAUDI website, represented by Tzamon Business Services, will not be a party to such matters and will not bear any responsibility; however, we will provide the necessary information to the relevant authorities if requested officially.
    11. Any advertisement, offer, message, comment, image, or action from a user that violates the terms and conditions on the JOBSINSAUDI platform entitles the platform to delete and block the violation and suspend or delete the user's account. The platform has the right to approach the responsible authorities to file a complaint regarding this matter.
    12. Disturbance: When a customer is disturbed by another customer, they should follow the steps below:

    A - Ban the annoying member.
    B - In the event of damage, the relevant authorities will be notified about the offender, acknowledging that the JOBSINSAUDI platform is not a party to this dispute and bears no responsibility, and that no data will be provided except through an official request from the relevant authorities.

    Regardless of the country from which you access our services or platforms, and to the extent permitted by law, these terms and your use are governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and are subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to resolve any disputes that may arise under these terms. If you are using the platforms or services for commercial purposes, or through unauthorized software as detailed and prohibited in the section titled "Using Our Services" of these terms, you will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding any disputes arising under these terms unless there is an existing commercial agreement between us that governs your use and states otherwise.

    Note: The Arabic version of these terms shall prevail in case of any discrepancies in the translation into other languages.